
Make an e2e / online deal.

Create an online deal for a content by sending a POST request to the /api/v1/deal/end-to-end endpoint. The data request is the content to be stored. The metadata request is the information required to make the deal.

Make sure you have a Delta node.

Prepare the deal metadata request.

In order to create a successful deal, Delta requires the following information metadata request:

Here’s the complete structure of the metadata request.

    "cid": "bafybeidty2dovweduzsne3kkeeg3tllvxd6nc2ifh6ztexvy4krc5pe7om",
    "wallet": {
    "piece_commitment": {
        "piece_cid": "baga6ea4seaqhfvwbdypebhffobtxjyp4gunwgwy2ydanlvbe6uizm5hlccxqmeq",
        "padded_piece_size": 4294967296
    "connection_mode": "e2e",
    "size": 2500366291,
    "skip_ipni_announce": true,
    "duration_in_days": 537,
    "auto_retry": false,
    "start_epoch_at_days": 3


curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:1414/api/v1/deal/end-to-end' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer [API_KEY]' \
--form 'data=@"my-file"' \
--form 'metadata="{\"miner\":\"f01963614\",\"connection_mode\":\"e2e\"}"'

A few things to note here:


The response will look like this:

    "status": "success",
    "message": "Deal request received. Please take note of the content_id. You can use the content_id to check the status of the deal.",
    "content_id": 1,
    "deal_request_meta": {
        "cid": "bafybeib6l6odanq5zrspbw4c7fys4jspshgwzuuhotnpljsivhdythw6xu",
        "miner": "f02031042",
        "wallet": {
            "address": "f1mmb3lx7lnzkwsvhridvpugnuzo4mq2xjmawvnfi"
        "piece_commitment": {},
        "connection_mode": "e2e"

Take note of the content_id field. This is the id of the content that was uploaded. This is used to get the status of the deal.

Get the status of the deal.

To get the status of the deal, we can use the /api/v1/stats/content/:content_id or /open/stats/content/:content_id endpoint.


curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:1414/api/v1/stats/content/:content_id' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer [API_KEY]'

Alternatively, you can view the status of the deal using the /open/stats/content endpoint. Note: This endpoint does not require an API key.

curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:1414/open/stats/content/:content_id'


    "content": {
        "ID": 941,
        "name": "random_1679373273451488879.dat",
        "size": 8000000000,
        "cid": "bafybeidwffy4qs36ybibpzixfm3ut5hcyv2ijwmo7y6voumu4ncsom2t3q",
        "piece_commitment_id": 941,
        "status": "transfer-finished",
        "request_type": "",
        "connection_mode": "e2e",
        "last_message": "transfer-finished",
        "created_at": "2023-03-21T04:36:37.445518451Z",
        "updated_at": "2023-03-21T05:37:33.67016768Z"
    "deal_proposal_parameters": [
            "ID": 941,
            "content": 941,
            "label": "bafybeidwffy4qs36ybibpzixfm3ut5hcyv2ijwmo7y6voumu4ncsom2t3q",
            "duration": 1494720,
            "created_at": "2023-03-21T04:36:37.568568002Z",
            "updated_at": "2023-03-21T04:36:37.568568167Z"
    "deal_proposals": [
            "ID": 941,
            "content": 941,
            "unsigned": "",
            "signed": "bafyreihh56dud7j2537eoab2kfbjhyiu7cdwva2cxzxntg3kcqxlqv45fu",
            "meta": "bafyreihh56dud7j2537eoab2kfbjhyiu7cdwva2cxzxntg3kcqxlqv45fu",
            "created_at": "2023-03-21T04:57:46.922432926Z",
            "updated_at": "2023-03-21T04:57:46.922433016Z"
    "deals": [
            "ID": 941,
            "content": 941,
            "propCid": "bafyreihh56dud7j2537eoab2kfbjhyiu7cdwva2cxzxntg3kcqxlqv45fu",
            "dealUuid": "d5289c3b-bf83-4e06-b684-82eb92930256",
            "miner": "f01929568",
            "dealId": 941,
            "failed": false,
            "verified": true,
            "slashed": false,
            "failedAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "dtChan": "12D3KooWNBXquoZV7SKzVRrNRPUc77CoB5AvTsByQdfZbavtt5Va-12D3KooWCqDPmD8PDJjtjo2j5rDzyJRkaNspwufhaKMBQRXkhWDS-1679372417035255337",
            "transferStarted": "2023-03-21T04:58:22.718340135Z",
            "transferFinished": "2023-03-21T05:37:32.112988888Z",
            "onChainAt": "2023-03-21T05:37:32.112989437Z",
            "sealedAt": "2023-03-21T05:37:32.112989109Z",
            "lastMessage": "transfer-finished",
            "deal_protocol_version": "/fil/storage/mk/1.2.0",
            "created_at": "2023-03-21T04:57:29.030339541Z",
            "updated_at": "2023-03-21T05:37:32.113238357Z"
    "piece_commitments": [
            "ID": 941,
            "cid": "bafybeidwffy4qs36ybibpzixfm3ut5hcyv2ijwmo7y6voumu4ncsom2t3q",
            "piece": "baga6ea4seaqezfdhxc4qvhu3geeornt2mwykzoxqtc6fxherhu3xrr7o3vfmkey",
            "size": 8000790398,
            "padded_piece_size": 8589934592,
            "unnpadded_piece_size": 8522825728,
            "status": "committed",
            "last_message": "",
            "created_at": "2023-03-21T04:57:07.261890437Z",
            "updated_at": "2023-03-21T04:58:02.625657927Z"

Using a specific wallet

The wallet is one of the most important aspect of making a filecoin and the wallet holds the FIL and DataCap that’s going to be used to transaction with the network.

Registering a wallet to a Delta node means that the wallet owner is TRUSTING the delta node to hold it’s keys. This is a very important step and should be done with care.

Register a wallet

To register a wallet to a live Delta node, we can use the /admin/wallet/register-hex endpoint. This endpoint is only available on the admin port.


curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:1414/admin/wallet/register-hex' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer [API_KEY]' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"hex_key":"<HEX FROM LOTUS / BOOSTD WALLET EXPORT>"}'


The response will look like this:

    "message": "Successfully imported a wallet address. Please take note of the following information.",
    "wallet_addr": "f1mmb3lx7lnzkwsvhridvpugnuzo4mq2xjmawvnfi",
    "wallet_uuid": "4d4589d0-c7a2-11ed-b245-9e0bf0c70138"

We can now use the wallet_addr value to make a deal.

Use wallet to prepare the metadata request

Once a wallet is registered, we can add a wallet field to the metadata request to make a deal using that wallet.

curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:1414/api/v1/deal/end-to-end' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer [API_KEY]' \
--form 'data=@"my-file"' \
--form 'metadata="{\"miner\":\"f02031042\",\"connection_mode\":\"e2e\", \"wallet\":{\"address\":\"f1mmb3lx7lnzkwsvhridvpugnuzo4mq2xjmawvnfi\"}}"'


Now that we can make an e2e deal, let’s look at how to make an import deal.