
Getting Deal Status Information

Delta is a deal-making service that enables users to make deals with Storage Providers. It is an application that allows users to upload files to the Filecoin network and get them stored by Storage Providers.

In this section, we will walk you through the steps to use a Delta node to get the status of a deal.


Content Lifecycle

When Delta accepts a deal request, it will go through the following steps:

  1. Delta will pin the content to the light node.
  2. Delta will create a content record in its database.
  3. Delta will create a miner assignment to a content record in its database.
  4. Delta will create a wallet assignment to a content record in its database.
  5. Delta will create a piece commitment record in its database.
  6. Delta will compute the piece commitment of the content.
  7. Delta will create a deal proposal parameters record in its database.
  8. Delta will create a deal proposal record in its database.
  9. Delta will send the deal proposal to the Storage Provider.
  10. If it’s an import deal, there will be no data transfer and the final status will be deal-proposal-sent.
  11. If it’s an e2e deal, Delta will send the data to the Storage Provider.
    1. Delta will wait for the Storage Provider to finish the deal.
    2. Delta will update the deal record in its database.

Over the course of the deal, Delta will update the status of the deal in its database. We can use this information to get the status of the deal.

In-Progress / Successful status

The status of the content will be based on the following:

Completed status

Failed status

during the deal-making process, contents can run into some problems and Delta marks as failed. The status of the content will be based on the following:

Get the status of the deal.

Whenever a deal is made, Delta stores the deal information in its database. A content_id is generated for each request. We can use this content_id to get the status of the deal.

To get the status of the deal, we can use the /api/v1/stats/content/:content_id or /open/stats/content/:content_id endpoint.


curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:1414/api/v1/stats/content/:content_id' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer [API_KEY]'

Alternatively, you can view the status of the deal using the /open/stats/content endpoint. Note: This endpoint does not require an API key.

curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:1414/open/stats/content/:content_id'

Alternatively, you can view the status of the deal using the /open/stats/content endpoint. Note: This endpoint does not require an API key.

curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:1414/open/stats/content/:content_id'


    "content": {
        "ID": 941,
        "name": "random_1679373273451488879.dat",
        "size": 8000000000,
        "cid": "bafybeidwffy4qs36ybibpzixfm3ut5hcyv2ijwmo7y6voumu4ncsom2t3q",
        "piece_commitment_id": 941,
        "status": "transfer-finished",
        "request_type": "",
        "connection_mode": "e2e",
        "last_message": "transfer-finished",
        "created_at": "2023-03-21T04:36:37.445518451Z",
        "updated_at": "2023-03-21T05:37:33.67016768Z"
    "deal_proposal_parameters": [
            "ID": 941,
            "content": 941,
            "label": "bafybeidwffy4qs36ybibpzixfm3ut5hcyv2ijwmo7y6voumu4ncsom2t3q",
            "duration": 1494720,
            "created_at": "2023-03-21T04:36:37.568568002Z",
            "updated_at": "2023-03-21T04:36:37.568568167Z"
    "deal_proposals": [
            "ID": 941,
            "content": 941,
            "unsigned": "",
            "signed": "bafyreihh56dud7j2537eoab2kfbjhyiu7cdwva2cxzxntg3kcqxlqv45fu",
            "meta": "bafyreihh56dud7j2537eoab2kfbjhyiu7cdwva2cxzxntg3kcqxlqv45fu",
            "created_at": "2023-03-21T04:57:46.922432926Z",
            "updated_at": "2023-03-21T04:57:46.922433016Z"
    "deals": [
            "ID": 941,
            "content": 941,
            "propCid": "bafyreihh56dud7j2537eoab2kfbjhyiu7cdwva2cxzxntg3kcqxlqv45fu",
            "dealUuid": "d5289c3b-bf83-4e06-b684-82eb92930256",
            "miner": "f01929568",
            "dealId": 941,
            "failed": false,
            "verified": true,
            "slashed": false,
            "failedAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "dtChan": "12D3KooWNBXquoZV7SKzVRrNRPUc77CoB5AvTsByQdfZbavtt5Va-12D3KooWCqDPmD8PDJjtjo2j5rDzyJRkaNspwufhaKMBQRXkhWDS-1679372417035255337",
            "transferStarted": "2023-03-21T04:58:22.718340135Z",
            "transferFinished": "2023-03-21T05:37:32.112988888Z",
            "onChainAt": "2023-03-21T05:37:32.112989437Z",
            "sealedAt": "2023-03-21T05:37:32.112989109Z",
            "lastMessage": "transfer-finished",
            "deal_protocol_version": "/fil/storage/mk/1.2.0",
            "created_at": "2023-03-21T04:57:29.030339541Z",
            "updated_at": "2023-03-21T05:37:32.113238357Z"
    "piece_commitments": [
            "ID": 941,
            "cid": "bafybeidwffy4qs36ybibpzixfm3ut5hcyv2ijwmo7y6voumu4ncsom2t3q",
            "piece": "baga6ea4seaqezfdhxc4qvhu3geeornt2mwykzoxqtc6fxherhu3xrr7o3vfmkey",
            "size": 8000790398,
            "padded_piece_size": 8589934592,
            "unnpadded_piece_size": 8522825728,
            "status": "committed",
            "last_message": "",
            "created_at": "2023-03-21T04:57:07.261890437Z",
            "updated_at": "2023-03-21T04:58:02.625657927Z"