
Getting Started

Delta is a deal-making service that enables users to make deals with Storage Providers. It is an application that allows users to upload files to the Filecoin network and get them stored by Storage Providers.

Minimum hardware requirements

Note that these requirements may vary depending on the specific needs of your application.

Running a delta node.

A delta node is a light ipfs node that can run on set of machines and architectures. It’s written in go and can be run on any machine that can run go.

To run a delta node, you need to have the following pre-reqs installed on your machine:

Alternatively, if using Ubuntu, you can run the following commands to install the pre-reqs

apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y wget jq hwloc ocl-icd-opencl-dev git libhwloc-dev pkg-config make && \
apt-get install -y cargo

Clone the Delta repo

Clone the repo to your machine

git clone

Prepare the .env file.

Copy the .env.example file to .env and update the values as needed. Note of the LOTUS_API variable. It needs to point to calibration network

# Node info
NODE_DESCRIPTION=Experimental Deal Maker

# Database configuration

# Frequencies

# APIs

Here are the fields in the .env file:

Put the .env file in the same location as the binary/executable.

Build and run

Using make lang

make all
./delta daemon --network=test

Run the node with a custom blockstore location

./delta daemon --repo=/path/to/blockstore --network=test

Run the node with a custom wallet

A delta node being a deal-making service, needs a wallet to make deals. You can specify a custom wallet location using the --wallet-dir flag. Note that this is a directory and not a file. The wallet file(s) is expected to be in this directory.

./delta daemon --wallet-dir=/path/to/wallet --network=test

Note: You can register a new wallet later using the /admin/wallet/register endpoint.

Build and run using docker

You can also build and run the delta node using docker. To do so, you need to have docker installed on your machine.

docker build -t delta .
docker run -it --rm -p 1414:1414 delta --repo=/path/to/blockstore --wallet-dir=<walletdir> --network=test

Running the node the first time will do the following:

Console output

The console output will look something like this:

OS: darwin
Architecture: arm64
Hostname: Alvins-MBP
Starting Delta daemon...
Setting up the whypfs node... 
repo:  .whypfs
walletDir:  ./wallet_estuary
mode:  cluster
enableWebsocket:  false
statsCollection:  true
network:  test
lotus api:
Wallet address is:  t1aj6k36cyhndhscw7yy67f5ttbezzpsl6l7zu6iy
2023/06/13 13:17:36 INF    2 ( connecting to nsqd
Setting up the whypfs node... DONE
Computing the OS resources to use
Total memory: 108663640 bytes
Total system memory: 256330040 bytes
Total heap memory: 208633856 bytes
Heap in use: 177881088 bytes
Stack in use: 26247168 bytes
Total number of CPUs: 10
Number of CPUs that this Delta will use: 10
Note: Delta instance proactively recalculate resources to use based on the current load.
Computing the OS resources to use... DONE
Running pre-start clean up
Number of rows cleaned up: 0
Running pre-start clean up... DONE
Subscribing the event listeners
Subscribing to transfer channel states...
Subscribing to transfer channel events...
Subscribing the event listeners... DONE
Running the atomic cron jobs
Scheduling dispatchers and scanners...
Running the atomic cron jobs... DONE
Starting Delta.

     %%%%%%%%/          %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%     %%%%%%  
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    @@@@@     @@@@@@@  @@@@@@          @@@@@           @@@@@         @@@@@@@@@@ 
   @@@@@@       @@@@@  @@@@@          @@@@@            @@@@@       @@@@@  @@@@@ 
   @@@@@        @@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ (@@@@@           @@@@@       @@@@@   @@@@@ 
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  @@@@@       @@@@@@ @@@@@*         @@@@@@           @@@@@     @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@  @@@@@@    @@@@@        @@@@@
 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@     @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  @@@@@    @@@@@         @@@@@


By: Protocol Labs - Outercore Engineering
version: v1.0.6-37-g9524cb4-dirty
Reporting Delta startup logs
2023/06/13 13:17:36 INF    1 ( connecting to nsqd
Reporting Delta startup logs... DONE
Welcome! Delta daemon is running...
You can check the documentation at:

   ____    __
  / __/___/ /  ___
 / _// __/ _ \/ _ \
/___/\__/_//_/\___/ v4.9.0
High performance, minimalist Go web framework
⇨ http server started on [::]:1414

Get Fil+ using Calibnet faucet

In order to make verified storage deals, we need to add FIL+ to the wallet.


Now that you have the node running, you can start making deals.

If you to use an existing live Delta node, go to getting started using a live delta node.